Stay Organized

Stay organized – Tips

Emails - Organize them.  Have different folders for different courses.  You get a lot of communication from WGU, Course Mentors, and your Mentor.  Have places to put these messages and let your INBOX be your to-do list. Every course should have its own folder and any communication regarding that course belongs in that folder. 

Websites- Create a Favorites folder for WGU courses.  Make subfolders for the websites and online resources you may need for each course, and label those folders with the corresponding course codes or names.  Just like your emails, every course should have its own folder and any online resource regarding that course belongs in that folder.

Online Distractions – Make the WGU portal or Google your home page.  I don’t care what search engine you prefer, but google has very few distractions on it.  If you don’t want to make a permanent change in search engines, make a shortcut to google or the WGU portal on your desktop, that way when you start your studying for the day, you won’t be tempted to read the latest news story, see personal emails pop up, get lost in youtube, or try to access social networking sites…. When you are in study mode, make it about studying. Simply changing your starting point to accessing our study material removes big distractions that easily take away from the time we could be studying.  Take easy steps to avoid online distractions

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