Best Practices

Read your emailsIf you aren't, start.  Especially if you email someone at WGU, you should receive a response via email as well.  Too often I hear students emailing for help with an issue, and an email response is given, yet the student never checked their email for the response.  Check your email every day

Take NotesI wish I was smart enough to memorize everything I've watched or read, but I’m not.  Most people need to go over material multiple times before they are competent in that subject matter.  The act of taking notes is another way to commit information to memory and should be utilized. If you aren't taking notes, you aren't studying… you are just reading, or watching videos…. If you aren't taking notes, Start taking them

Stay organized – Tips

Emails - Organize them.  Have different folders for different courses.  You get a lot of communication from WGU, Course Mentors, and your Mentor.  Have places to put these messages and let your INBOX be your to-do list. Every course should have its own folder and any communication regarding that course belongs in that folder. 

Websites- Create a Favorites folder for WGU courses.  Make sub-folders for the websites and online resources you may need for each course, and label those folders with the corresponding course codes or names.  Just like your emails, every course should have its own folder and any online resource regarding that course belongs in that folder.

Online Distractions Make the WGU portal or Google your home page.  I don’t care what search engine you prefer, but Google has very few distractions on it.  If you don’t want to make a permanent change in search engines, make a shortcut to Google or the WGU portal on your desktop, that way when you start your studying for the day, you won’t be tempted to read the latest news story, see personal emails pop up, get lost in Youtube, or try to access social networking sites…. When you are in study mode, make it about studying. Simply changing your starting point to accessing our study material removes big distractions that easily take away from the time we could be studying.  Take easy steps to avoid online distractions

Set specific goals, be accountable to them, and make a planWithout a plan, a goal is just a wish.  You need to know what you want to accomplish.  The large goal is graduating, and completing each course is part of that process.  Don’t hope to complete a course, and you will take the test when you feel ready… you need to commit to completing a course by a certain date.  Give yourself a deadline that you won’t be happy with yourself if you miss it.  My goal was to complete 1 course every 30 days.  If I completed it in 21 days, I had 9 days to reward myself with. If I completed it in 29 days, I took a day off.  The key thing is, my studying was not optional.  If I took time off from studying, before reaching my goal, it was planned, and my study time the other days of the week adjusted for that day off.  Reaching my goal of completing 1 course every 30 days was not optional. Set your goals and commit to them.

Work backwards from goal dates to complete a course – Simple math is incredibly helpful.  If you have 3 courses to complete in 6 months, you have 2 months to complete each course. That’s a simple calculation.  If your goal is to complete 1 course every month, and your course has 4 tasks, you have to complete 1 task every week.  We all have different pacing, and WGU lets students study at their own pace, but that doesn't mean a snail’s pace is acceptable.  I've found that successful students have a time frame they want to complete a course, and set up a plan of action to reach that goal.  If you leave a course open-ended and will complete it when the time is right, inevitably time is wasted, delays are always occurring, and completing all their courses in a term is very challenging.

Work with Course Mentors - They know the course, they know the test, they know the best tips and tricks for success with each course.  As much as I try to know each course, there are far too many to have an expert level understanding of each subject matter.  The course mentors do have that expert level of understanding.   They help students every day, that’s what they are here for.  I used them for every course and am grateful for their help and glad that I did.  If you aren't reaching out to Course Mentors, Start.

Don’t procrastinate and don’t assume there will be enough time…There is never enough time, and there is always something that is going to compete for your time.  Too many times students give themselves too much pressure at the end of the term because they've waited too long to start studying.  The last month of your term is not the time to get focused on studying. If that is your plan, change it. Today is the day to study.  The longer you put off making progress, the longer you are putting off the goal of graduating.

Don’t let studying and essentially graduating be optionalWhat else can I say? Don’t think about it, be about it.  You are in control of your education.  If you make the right amount of effort, you can achieve your degree.  It won’t be easy, but it is worth it.  Commit to your success, believe in yourself, and make the necessary changes, if needed, to achieve your goal of graduating.

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