Microsoft Courses

C183 - Operating Systems - Pacing Guide
C184 - Operating Systems Management Policies - Pacing Guide

C185 - Network Policies and Services Management - Pacing Guide
C186 - Server Administration - Pacing Guide
C187 - Network Reliability and Fault Tolerance - Pacing Guide


Contact the Course Mentor and discuss the course you are working on.

No two Microsoft exams are the same

Student's must have a high level of effort to get through these courses.  If you cannot put in 20 hours of time towards your studying, you may want to change your degree to another emphasis.

You have to have good study habits to get through these courses and exams.

240 hours of study time is recommended to gain the competencies needed to pass these tests.

Plan on taking 12 weeks to complete these courses.

Most students do not go deep enough into the learning resources and exercises.

Transcender is the Pre-Assessment, but you need to go into Technet articles in the Transcender Learning Resource

You MUST apply the knowledge... Do the hands on Lab Exercises

Set up a Virtual Machine environment to practice the labs.
Have you configured a Virtual Machine for Windows or Windows Server?

MeasureUp labs provide context with the knowledge

Build Familiarity - Follow the labs and complete them multiple times

These tests are broad, but the questions are very specific. (They cover a lot of material and you need to know the small details.

Set up VMware the 1st week of the course. (HyperV - Microsoft Virtual Server)

VMware access guide and how to set it up is in the Pacing Guide and in the Communities

Students must fully engage in these courses to pass

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